Leagues run on Tuesday evenings for Men and Thursday evenings for Ladies starting end of April when each has their League start up meetings. Teams golf 9 holes, alternating weekly between front and back. Tee Times start at 5:00 and run until 7:30 (if necessary).
Cost of both the Men’s and Ladies leagues for the 2022 season will be $395.00 +GST. If you have a membership, league fees are covered within that membership.
Carts can be rented on a night by night basis for $29/night or on a yearly league basis for $380 and is only for league nights.
The cost of carts can be shared between 2 teammates.
Men’s League generally holds a weekly skins and deuces pot. Ladies have a weekly 50/50 and have also in the past held monthly theme nights with donations going to a charity of the host team’s choice.
League members may golf 9 holes for $10.00, the afternoon of their league play.
Phone the clubhouse if you have a new team that you would like to sign up. You may also use the form below or email thera@pipestonegc.ca.